The Island of Oahu is a beautiful place
to visit and has an unimaginable number
of things to do and see.
It is a great place to relax, unwind and
“Hang Loose” or to go out an experience
new and wonderful things. To help you plan
your trip and to the make the most of it,
we have provided the links below. The links
are not provided as recommendations - only
as references to assist you in starting
to think, plan and maximize your time here.
are so many wonderful things to do and see,
it would be impossible to provide all the
possibilities. We hope that this information
is helpful and gets you thinking on what
you want to do….even it is just sitting
on the beach sipping Mai-Tai’s !!

Waikiki Place...the
place to be in
Mahalo !
Place LLC takes no responsibility for any
services provided by firms represented in